Sealed bids for the purchase of the following parcel of land, located in the RM of Roland, Manitoba will be received up to 5.00 pm on April 2, 2015 at the offices of,

Dolf Feddes
Box 2046,
Carman, MB, R0G 0J0

SE 26-4-5W, 160.0 acres

Conditions of Tender:

  • Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property.
  • Tenders must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a certified cheque or bank draft of 5% of the amount offered, payable to Royal le Page Riverbend Realty in Trust. Deposit cheques accompanying unaccepted bids will be returned.
  • The land is rented for the 2015 crop year. Purchaser can elect to either take possession April 20, 2015 including the rental contract or take possession November 20, 2015 after the rental contract expires. Possession date of preference should be stated in the tender letter.
  • Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
  • The purchaser(s) shall be responsible for payment of GST or shall self-assess for GST.
  • Successful bidders will be asked to enter into a formal Purchase agreement covering the terms and conditions of sale.
  • Tenders will be held in confidence and not be released to the public.

Any questions regarding this parcel or this tender, including the rental contract for crop year 2015, can be directed to:

Dolf Feddes,
204-828-3371 (office) or
204-745-0451 (cell).